Damon Braces Calgary Archives - Cory Liss Orthodontics

Braces and Migraines

No matter which way you slice it, migraines are the pits. If you’re unlucky enough to suffer this condition, it has likely…

Adult Orthodontics in Calgary

For some Adult Orthodontic Patients in Calgary the use of brackets and wires are required to effectively correct bite issues. But don’t be nervous about the thought of wearing orthodontic brackets as they also are available in tooth colored or clear materials that have been manufactured specifically with esthetics in mind.

Eating With Orthodontic Braces

After the first few days of wearing braces your teeth will start to feel like normal and you’ll be ready to eat more regular food. Remember to stay away from the high sugar, super sticky and super hard stuff – you don’t want to break a bracket off or loosen a wire.