Are Orthodontic Braces Really Worth It?

Post by: / November 10, 2014

Contemplating the pros and cons of orthodontic treatment can leave patients stuck in limbo, unable to decide if orthodontic treatment will give them the smile they’ve always wanted.  NW Calgary Orthodontic Team – Cory Liss Orthodontics – acknowledges that making a decision to move forward with orthodontic treatment can be overwhelming, especially if treatment involves a significant amount of time wearing braces – but when armed with honest and complete information, the decision often becomes easier. The biggest struggle patients’ face when making a decision to choose orthodontic braces is wanting to know how their smile will look at the end of treatment.  The actual wearing of braces or an orthodontic appliance isn’t always the stumbling block, but it’s the unknown surrounding how your new smile will be.  One of the many advantages of today’s orthodontic systems is their ability to envisage a patient’s new smile ahead of time.  Systems like Invisalign and Insignia use 3D imaging that enables the end result to be viewed prior to the start of treatment.  This tool not only gives a patient peace of mind, but actually acts as a road map for the orthodontist during treatment. Being able to see down the road and glimpse how crooked, overlapping teeth can be unravelled to create a beautiful smile and healthy arch form, can make all the difference to patients who are unable to believe that their present bite can be transformed to look that good.   There are many reasons why a patient considers orthodontic treatment – and esthetics is often at the top of the list – so having the reassurance of the potential end result before braces go on can make orthodontic treatment well worth it. Wearing Orthodontic Braces also corrects bite concerns that aren’t always obvious to a patient.  It’s only when shown models of their teeth and explained how teeth and jaws interact with one another that a patient is made aware of just how misaligned their teeth really are.  That’s the bonus of wearing orthodontic braces and appliances – as they not only create a beautiful smile but they correct bite imbalances that detract from a person’s overall dental health. Orthodontic Braces really are worth it – but if you’re still not sure – make an appointment to see Cory Liss Orthodontics today 403.287.0746 – no referral needed.