What’s Your Calgary Orthodontist Really Treating?
Orthodontic Treatment in Calgary focuses on a lot more than just straightening teeth. We know that for the average person, the mere mention of orthodontic braces conjures up images of crazy crooked teeth, a gappy smile, and teeth that just don’t fit together properly – but the Specialty of Orthodontics goes far beyond the obvious concern of imperfect teeth – treating skeletal deficiencies and abnormalities, and addressing facial growth issues. A less than perfect smile is often the symptom of excessive or inefficient jaw development that requires an accurate diagnosis to ensure that the underlying cause is resolved. Straight teeth are something everyone wants – especially in today’s culture that promotes physical perfection and youthfulness – and seeking out orthodontic treatment to correct bite dysfunction and poor tooth alignment is a great place to start if you want to achieve a healthy smile – but time and attention should be given to who you trust your smile to as training, experience and knowledge impact the success of orthodontic treatment.
Certified Orthodontists in Calgary have received two to three years additional clinical training in the Speciality of Orthodontics. Graduating as General Dentists – Orthodontists have gone on to complete further education and attain dedicated instruction in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. Though all Certified Orthodontists are dentists, only approximately six percent of dentists are Orthodontists – as educational and clinical skills are demanding in this dental specialty. If you choose to see an Orthodontist in Calgary, rest assured that you will be in good hands, as they are trained to recognize, diagnose, and treat all manner of malocclusions and facial asymmetries.
If you have been considering straightening your teeth or have a family member in need of orthodontic care, making an appointment with a Calgary Orthodontist will enable you to receive a comprehensive diagnosis and hear treatment options that have been customized to address the unique subtleties of yours or your family member’s bite. NW Calgary and Airdrie Orthodontist – Dr. Cory Liss – is happy to welcome new patients to his Crowfoot Orthodontic office and explains that patients can make an appointment without a referral – just call the office directly to schedule a consultation.
Providing Orthodontic care to children and adult patients – this Certified Calgary Orthodontist focuses on providing treatment methods that reduce appointment visits, increase comfort level, and acknowledges the distinct treatment goals of each and every patient.