Why Your Smile Needs Orthodontic Braces
Orthodontists in Calgary are inundated with questions regarding straightening teeth using ‘invisible systems’ like Invisalign and Invisalign Teen. Though Invisalign’s Clear Orthodontic Retainers do an amazing job of straightening teeth and improving arch formation – not every patient is a suitable candidate for this bracket-less system, as some patient’s bite deficiencies and abnormalities require additional assistance that only brackets and wires provide.
Wearing Orthodontic Braces and wires isn’t a bad thing and should never be viewed that as second best or an inferior orthodontic system. There’s a lot of attention given to the merits of bracket-less technology – but what isn’t explained is that it may not be the right system for your bite. NW Calgary Orthodontist – Dr. Cory Liss – spends many hours researching orthodontic technology and its capabilities. Passionate about providing patients with the highest level of customized care – Dr. Liss studies orthodontic systems that offer pre-treatment mapping, customized design and fabrication, and adaptive qualities to handle any treatment changes.
Today’s Orthodontic Brackets and Wires are not what your parents wore – in fact; today’s orthodontic braces have advanced significantly over the past ten years – with manufacturers acknowledging the need to design brackets that blend with natural tooth colorand for wires to be ultra-fine. The combination of esthetics and superior materials ensures that treatment goals are accomplished and patient comfort and confidence is high.
Cory Liss Orthodontics turns to teeth straightening systems like Damon Braces, Insignia, and Invisalign – making sure that every patient has access to a method and approach that deals with their unique bite concerns. Customized, personal care is what this Airdrie and Calgary Orthodontist strives to deliver at each appointment, with every patient – and using today’s leading orthodontic technology makes this possible.
If you have been thinking of straightening your teeth but are apprehensive about wearing orthodontic brackets and wires – don’t be. Brackets are available in clear or tooth colored material; and ultra-fine wires mean less friction and inflammation – increasing comfort and manageability. Though orthodontic brackets and wires may not be removable they are still a comfortable, efficient, precise, and highly successful method of straightening teeth.