Back to School with Braces!

Post by: / August 16, 2016

Did you get new braces on this summer? Having the essentials to keep your mouth healthy and pain-free during school is so important. Here is a list of necessities to include in a Braces Care Kit and keep in your locker or backpack at school and a few tips to make heading back to school with braces for the first time a breeze:

Kit photokit

  1. Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  2. SuperflossFloss
  3. Easy Glide Floss
  4. Orthodontic Wax
  5. Disclosing Tablets
  6. EZ-Thru



Eat Smart! Try to avoid hard, crunchy and sticky foods that can damage or break your braces. Instead opt for snacks and lunches that include softer foods that you can enjoy in bite sizes!

H2O! Drinking water throughout the day will help keep your mouth clean by rinsing away food particles that might get stuck in your braces after eating.

Protection! If you are playing sports it’s important to wear a mouthguard. It won’t just protect your braces, but will also prevent injury to your mouth and jaw.

Brushing! If you take a few minutes after lunch or breaks to brush your teeth, it will keep your smile and your breath healthy and fresh!


If you’ve been thinking of starting orthodontic treatment and need more information – contact Cory Liss Orthodontics today – no referral required 403.287.0746