Orthodontist In Calgary Shares Tips On Caring For Your Braces

Post by: / May 20, 2013

Calgary Orthodontist – Dr. Cory Liss – wants every patient to have a great orthodontic experience.  After all, straightening teeth in Calgary should be a time of excitement and anticipation of a great end result – a beautiful, healthy smile that keeps you smiling for a lifetime.

Caring for Your Orthodontic Braces
Once your Calgary Orthodontist has placed your orthodontic brackets and wires, special care and attention should be given to keeping your braces and teeth clean – so ensuring that your dental health remains in tip-top condition.  Wearing orthodontic braces is not an excuse to stop daily brushing and flossing – just the opposite – by maintaining excellent home care only contributes to an easier, more rewarding, orthodontic experience.

Brushing and Flossing While Wearing Braces
An important tip to create an easy orthodontic experience is – don’t stop brushing and flossing.  Your Orthodontist in Calgary will have provided you with some tools specifically designed to make the process of brushing and flossing during orthodontic treatment simpler and more effective.  If you’re not already using an electric toothbrush, now is a great time to switch to this form of device, as studies reveal that an electric toothbrush is more efficient at removing plaque from tooth surfaces, and working around orthodontic brackets.  With the availability of toothbrush heads designed specifically for orthodontics – brushing can be as easy as it was before brackets were placed.  Manufacturers like Sonicare and Oral B aim to make the daily habit of brushing a stress-free time, regardless of whether you’re wearing orthodontic appliances or not.

Flossing tools for orthodontic braces make a sometimes frustrating step super easy.  Calgary Orthodontic office – Cory Liss Orthodontics – provides patients with all the gizmos available to keep life normal during orthodontic treatment.  Make sure you stop by this NW Calgary Orthodontic office to pick up floss threaders, orthodontic wax – everything to help keep your orthodontic treatment easy.  Orthodontic brackets are a perfect place for food to get trapped and plaque to form – by using a floss threader you are able to navigate around orthodontic brackets and wires and still do a great job of flossing. If you are not brushing and flossing, twice a day, during orthodontic treatment – the risk of developing puffy gums, tooth decay, bad breath and poor dental health increases.  Don’t dampen the amazing results of teeth straightening by neglecting the care of your teeth during treatment.  You don’t want to have straight teeth that are full of decay – so keep up on the brushing and flossing.

Wearing Orthodontic Braces – Avoid Sticky Food
Your Calgary Orthodontist
may give you a list of foods to avoid during orthodontic care.  Sorry broccoli is not on the list – so still eat your vegetables to keep you and your smile healthy. Foods that are best avoided during teeth straightening treatment in Calgary are:

Toffee and other super sticky foods – not only can they dislodge a bracket; sticky foods are easily trapped around orthodontic brackets and may be hard to remove during brushing.  Having a sticky, sugary substance stuck around brackets creates the perfect environment for plaque, calculus, and decay to form.

Hard Foods – Candy and Nuts – should also be passed-up while you’re wearing braces.  Hard foods are notorious for bending wires and breaking brackets – leading to an additional trip to your Calgary Orthodontist for repair.  Instead of focusing on what you can’t eat during orthodontic treatmentfocus on all the amazing foods available and stock up the fridge so they are always on-hand.

Seeing a Calgary Orthodontist
If you think you’ve damaged an orthodontic bracket
make sure you call your Calgary Orthodontist immediately.  Calgary Orthodontists allow for emergency visits in their daily schedule – so don’t hesitate to call and inquire if a repair appointment is needed.

Cory Liss Orthodontics is a NW Calgary Orthodontist who also has a full-service orthodontic office in Airdrie.  Focusing on providing orthodontic care to patients of all ages – yes adults too – this Calgary and Airdrie orthodontist is accepting new patients and welcomes your calls and inquiries.  No Referral Required – call today to schedule your orthodontic consultation. 403.287.0746