Why Doesn’t Everyone Wear the Same Braces?

Post by: / January 19, 2015

Your bite is as unique as your fingerprint – and no two fingerprints are the same – so no two orthodontic treatment plans are the same.  Customized orthodontic care is practiced by NW Calgary Orthodontist – Dr. Cory Liss – and consists of treating each and every patient with focused, detailed treatment that meets the specific needs of patients unique bite concerns.  Diagnosing and designing an orthodontic treatment plan that fits the distinct demands of an individual’s bite requires an orthodontist to be proficient in using a range of orthodontic systems – as providing suitable orthodontic technology plays a significant part in creating a functional, beautiful smile.

Dr. Cory Liss explains that the varying degrees of bite dysfunction that each patient presents, requires a Calgary Orthodontist to be familiar with a range of orthodontic systems.  Correcting mild crowding does not necessitate the same length of treatment or degree of movement as a bite that has issues that go beyond tooth movement; encompassing skeletal issues.  We’ve talked in previous blogs about force being exerted on teeth during orthodontic treatment – less movement requires less force and can often be accomplished with non-bracket systems like Invisalign.  Significant tooth movement requires more controlled force that can be easily accomplished with bracketing systems like Insignia and Damon Braces.

Customized Orthodontic Care isn’t just about creating a beautiful smile – as the health of your bite is as important as the esthetics of your smile – and wearing the right braces or orthodontic appliance for your bite means that treatment goals will be reached and bite issues corrected efficiently – with a reduced risk of having to repeat treatment.

Cory Liss Orthodontics provides custom orthodontic care in Calgary and Airdrie and welcomes new patients without a referral.  Focusing on providing orthodontic options that enhance treatment time and results – this NW Calgary Orthodontist is dedicated to helping patients have the smile they’ve always wanted and a bite that not only looks good but is healthy and functional.  If you have been considering orthodontic care – contact Cory Liss Orthodontics today 403.287.0746

Next week we’ll talk about AcceleDent™ – a device designed to speed up orthodontic treatment.